BOSTON THEATRE. - Denman Thompson still continues here as Joshua Whitcomb, and will remain for two weeks more. Mary Anderson follows him.
GLOBE THEATRE. - Haverly's Minstrels are drawing large houses at the Globe. They are certainly the best minstrel Troupe in the country.
PARK THEATRE. - Lawrence Barrett plays during the present week "Yorick's Love," which is " A New Play," with some changes for the better made in it. It is a very strong play and a well-written one. Yorick is one of Barrett's most successful parts. The support is evenly good, unusually so for a company that travels with a star.
BOSTON MUSEUM. - Boucicault remains one week longer. On Feb. 2, "My Son" will be revived.
GAIETY THEATRE. - Neil Burgess and his company are appearing in Petroleum V. Nasby's play, "The Widow Bedott." There is a good deal of amusement in the piece, and it is fairly well acted.
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