

No Headline

THE rise in the price of board at Memorial is not owing wholly to a rise in the price of provisions. Though hard to believe, yet it is a fact that the Association is imposed upon by thoughtless, if not unconscientious and dishonorable men in the University. During the recess many took meals there without paying for them, and some were there a week without registering. It is very easy to see how men who have once boarded at Memorial afterwards look upon it as a kind of reserve; but the principle is the same as that of the man who picks pockets for a livelihood. According to the steward, these free boarders have become so numerous as to make a difference of five or ten per cent in the price paid by the regular boarders. Unless this practice is frowned down, a system of checks or tickets will have to be introduced; and, at any rate, the Association needs some protection at the beginning of the academic year.
