IN order to put the question of plank walks in the Yard to a test, we have to-day placed a subscription-book at Sever's. It will remain there for two weeks, unless a sufficient amount is subscribed before that time. All who have had reason to complain of the shameful condition of the walks so far - and who has not? - are urged to subscribe at once, and in order to save the trouble and delay of collecting subscriptions, to pay when they put down their names. The money will be returned in case the subscription fails. It is useless to say that it is not the business of undergraduates to provide a heated room for a regularly appointed instructor, or to subscribe for plank walks for college property. We can get them, apparently, in no other way. If men are not willing to subscribe, let us hear no more of the complaints that have been so often made for several years past. The thousand men who, during five months of the year, are put to such inconvenience by slush and mud in the Yard should surely be willing to subscribe a sum sufficient to provide a remedy for this state of things. The Crimson heads the list with a subscription of twenty-five dollars.
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