OF the class of '80, died of consumption in Florida, August 20.
HICKY HUNT MORGAN,OF the class of '80, was drowned while bathing in Lake Winnepesaukee, August 6.
HENRY SHIPPEN,OF the class of '82, died of diphtheria at his home in Jamaica Plain, July 28.
JAMES WINTHROP HARRIS,SECRETARY of the University, performed his last official service on Commencement Day, went from Sanders Theatre severely ill, and early in the vacation closed an honored, faithful, and exemplary life. He belonged to a family intimately connected with the College, his father and elder brother - both eminent in their respective departments of learning - having borne office here. He was himself prepared for college, and retained through life the scholarly tastes which would have promised success in a literary career. For the last quarter of a century or more he has filled the office of Secretary, and without assistance till his work outgrew the possible capacity of a single hand or brain. It is difficult to estimate the amount and diversity of the demands upon him in conducting confidential correspondence, in the minute and delicate calculations connected with the rank-list, in constructing tables of college-statistics, in superintending arrangements for examinations, and in so ordering the details of the academic routine as to preclude interference and conflict. No person connected with the University has labored more assiduously than he, or to better purpose. Intelligence, discretion, vigilance, patience, punctuality, integrity, kindness, were all equally essential qualities for one in his position, and they were so perfectly united in him that we should do him wrong by selecting either of them for special praise. He merits our enduring gratitude for his loyal service to the College, and our reverent memory for his blameless excellence in every relation of life.
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