THE Lampoon will be issued on Friday.
THE track on Jarvis Field has gone to seed.
YALE has a college instructor of gymnastics.
THE Gymnasium will be ready about Nov. 1.
YALE retains nearly all of her last year's nine.
THERE will be seven Cambridge girls in the Annex.
A FRENCH restaurant is to be started on Garden Street.
ABOUT twenty members of '79 will enter the Law School.
THE entrance examinations began Wednesday, Sept. 23.
MR. HENRY N. WHEELER will edit the Annual Catalogue.
THE Yale Freshmen won the first rush with the Sophomores.
TWO hundred and nine Freshmen have been already admitted.
ONE hundred and four regular elective courses are given this year.
TWO more alcoves in Gore Hall have been cleared during the summer.
ATTENTION is called to the advertisement of Mr. J. G. Calrow, on p. 2.
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The Senior Transparency.