THE Freshman race with Columbia is off. Last Saturday the Captain of '82 received an official visit from Messrs. Parsons and Webb of Columbia, the latter being Captain of the Columbia Freshmen. They informed Captain Bartlett that out of the four eight-oared crews in training they had but seven men left, and, therefore, could not possibly row the race. It was suggested that the vacancy in the boat should be filled by a University oar, but this did not meet the approval of the Columbia delegates; the crews have therefore disbanded.
The Spring Regatta of the Cornell Navy was held May 30, on Lake Cayuga, and was not very successful. The events were as follows:-
Single scull, G. M. Wells, '80, first; H. Webster, '80, upset, and swam ashore.
Six-oared race between picked crew and '82; '82 badly beaten.
Four-oared match, Cornell vs. Watkins B. C., 2 miles with turn. Watkins B. C., first, 13 m. 24 s.; Cornell Navy second, by a half mile.
At the Harlem Regatta, June 12, Columbia will be represented in the following races: eight-oared shell, six-oared gig, four-oared shell, and four-oared Junior gig.
ATHLETICS.THE annual Gymnastic exhibition of Princeton College will be held June 14, and the Athletic games on the afternoon of the same day. If Princeton possessed a cinder track, excellent records might be made, and as it is, several events will probably be run in more than average time.
WE do not see on what grounds the correspondent of the Spirit bases his opinion that Wilmer and La Montaigne are the only "sprinters" worthy of the prowess of H. H. Lee. Not to mention anybody else, J. Lafon, of the Mystic Boat Club, has, during the past season, shown better time than Lee.
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Harvard Bicycle Club.