IN another column we print an article by a graduate on our new Gymnasium, and we heartily second his views in regard to the need of a professor of hygiene. It is certain that too little attention is given to physical culture in the colleges of this country. The idea is prevalent that college exercises are neglected for athletic sports. The fact is that the time required for any athletic sport is no more than every student should give to physical exercise; and such time is given by a small proportion of the men in this College. Any one who compares the record of our spring sports with that of the recent sports in England, will not fear that we suffer from too much attention to athletics. It is true that the few who do devote time to athletic exercises are sometimes injured by them, but this very fact shows the great need of a professor of hygiene in the College. Under the instruction of such a professor men would not attempt to enter athletic contests without a suitable amount of training, and "English" trainers might be dispensed with. Again, many who cannot be induced to exercise at present might find it worth while if they could have good instruction, and thus the number of "hot-house" scholars might be reduced. We gladly recommend the gentlemen mentioned by our correspondent, and hope that the College authorities, usually so prompt in matters of this kind, will not feel obliged to hold back because Amherst and Yale have set them a good example.
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