BY this time it is doubtless generally known that the Freshman race between Columbia and Harvard has been given up. The action of Columbia, although to be regretted, seems to have been unavoidable. According to the statement of Captain Webb, he had not enough men (only seven, including substitutes) to fill the places in the boat, and therefore it was impossible for Columbia to row the race now. His offer, either to row next fall or to present our Freshmen with a stand of colors, is a sufficient proof of the sincerity and good feeling of Columbia. We are sorry that the crew, after having trained all the winter, will not have the pleasure of meeting their opponents at New London, especially since the men have improved wonderfully of late in stroke and form. The class, however, is to be congratulated that it will not pass into the Sophomore year burdened with a debt of several hundred dollars. We wish that it was possible for the crew to arrange some other race, even at this late date, but there does not seem to be any chance of it.
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