MR. GODDARD will leave for his quarters on Lake Quinsigamond to-morrow, in order to have a week's practice over his course before the race. The contest into which he is about to enter with Mr. Livingstone is in no point of view an intercollegiate race between Harvard and Yale; it is strictly a private match. But as each of the contestants holds the single-scull championship of his college, deep interest will be felt in the result. We hope that all members of the University realize how important a place this race will hold in Harvard's boating annals. The interest which it will afford will well repay the trouble of making the short trip to Lake Quinsigamond, and the presence of a large number of Harvard men will lend no slight encouragement to Mr. Goddard. We hope that all who are able will be present at the race, and we can assure Mr. Goddard that he leaves Cambridge with Harvard's best wishes for his success.
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The Serenade to the Princeton Nine.