


Union Athletic Club of Boston. The fourth annual Spring Games, open to all amateurs, will be held at the Boston Base Ball Grounds, on Saturday, May 24, 1879, at 3 P. M. Entries will close Friday, May 16. The programme will be as follows, unless circumstances demand a change:-

1. Throwing the hammer.

2. Putting shot.

3. 100-yard run, first trials.

4. 1-mile walk. Club members only, 8-30 limit.


5. 1/2 mile run.

6. Running broad jump.

7. 100-yard run, final.

8. 1-mile walk.

9. 1/4-mile run.

10. Pole leaping.

11. 3-mile walk.

12. 1-mile run.

13. Running high jump.

14. 3-mile run.

15. 220-yard dash.

Gold medals will be given for first, and silver for second and third prizes.

Third prizes will be given only in Games Nos. 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14.

An entrance-fee (not returnable) of one dollar per man, for each and every game, must accompany all entries. The right to reject any entry is reserved.

H. M. HOWARD, P. O. Box 1878, Boston.

New York Athletic Club. The tenth annual Spring Games, open to amateurs, will take place at Mott Haven on Friday, May 30 (Decoration Day), commencing at 2.15 P. M. Entries close Saturday, May 24. The following games will be contested:-

1. 100-yard run.

2. 220-yard run.

3. 240-yard run.

4. 1/2-mile run.

5. 1-mile run.

6. 120-yard hurdle-race. 10 hurdles 3 ft. 6 in.

7. 1-mile walk.

8. 3-mile walk.

9. Putting the shot.

10. Throwing the hammer.

11. Throwing 56 lb. weight.

12. Running high jump.

13. Running broad jump.

14. Pole leaping.

15. 3-mile bicycle race.

16. Heavy-weight tug-of-war, teams of 4 men, 2 substitutes.

17. Light-weight tug-of-war, teams of 6 men, 150 lbs. and under, 2 substitutes.

Three prizes will be given in each game, except in tug-of-war, for which a prize will be given to each man of winning teams.

Dress must consist of shirt and loose drawers to the knee. No person will be allowed to compete unless properly attired; this rule will be strictly enforced. Contestants will please send their colors.

The entry of any person under the age of 18 years will not be received. The right to refuse or strike out any entry is reserved.

Any person not a member of a recognized Club must be properly introduced by some well-known person who can vouch for his being an amateur. Tug-of-war teams must represent some Club or Association.

All communications must be addressed to

C. A. MAHONEY, Secretary, P. O. Box 3101.
