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THE Committee on the Elective Pamphlet for next year have already begun their labors, and this interesting work will doubtless be issued in the course of a month or two. As the time when the choice of electives for next year must be made is now only two months off, we earnestly hope that the new system of Honours and Honourable Mention will receive the earliest possible attention of the Corporation and Overseers. There are very many men in college, especially in the Junior class, who will make their choice of electives partly, if not wholly, in reference to the new system. It is very important for these men that they should know whether the new plan is to be adopted, and, if so, with what changes, before they make their choice of studies for the next year. We do not see any reason why the question should not be decided at once, so that every one can have a chance to understand the new system perfectly and decide just how far it should influence his choice of studies. If a favorable decision is postponed until after the summer vacation it will make the experiment much less of a success the first year than it otherwise might be.
