
The Song of German 2.

KIND teacher, you have given timely warning, Sing, hey! the thoughtful teacher that you are I went up to see jays on Wednesday morning, Sing, hey! the weary scholar and the (regis)t(r)ar.

THE walls of Memorial Hall still serve as match-scratchers for reckless smokers.

A MEETING of the Sophomore class, to take action upon the subject of a class crew, was held in Holden Chapel on last Tuesday evening. Mr. Brandegee was elected Captain, and the appointment of an executive committee of three was intrusted to him. At the suggestion of Captain Trimble it was decided to buy a barge.

OUT of 200 men in the Senior class, 59 are excused from prayers; out of 174 Juniors, 66 are excused; out of 218 Sophomores, 87 are excused; out of 227 Freshmen, 75 are excused. Thus, out of 719 men in the four classes, 287, or nearly three sevenths, are excused from prayers. The Sophomores have the largest proportion excused, the Juniors come next, the Freshmen next, and the Seniors last.

INFORMATION in regard to the proposed course of private instruction for women in Cambridge may be obtained of Mr. Arthur Gilman, 5 Phillips Place, or of any of the following ladies: Mrs. Louis Agassiz, Quincy Street; Mrs. E. W. Gurney, Fayerweather Street; Mrs. J. P. Cooke, Quincy Street; Mrs. J. B. Greenough, Appian Way; Mrs. Arthur Gilman, Phillips Place; Miss Alice M. Longfellow, Brattle Street; Miss Lilian Horsford, Craigie Street.


THE Crimson supper was held at Mrs. Brown's last Tuesday evening, seventeen gentlemen being present. It was announced that a considerable sum remained in the treasury, and the question was discussed as to the best use to make of it. The general sentiment was in favor of keeping it for a permanent fund, and only using the interest. The matter was finally referred to a committee of five, from the '79, '80, and '81 boards, to draw up some scheme and report at a future meeting.

THE following Harvard instructors have consented to give instruction to young women: Professor Peirce in Mathematics; Professor Peabody in Moral Science; Professor Hedge in German; Professor Bocher in French; Mr. Sheldon in Italian; Professor Goodwin in Greek; Professor Greenough in Sanskrit, Latin, and Comparative Philology; Professor Norton in the Fine Arts; Professor Paine in Music; Professors Child and A. S. Hill in English; Mr. Emerton in History; Mr. H. B. Hill in Chemistry; Professor James in Physiology.

THE officers of the Harvard Rifle-Corps for the second half-year are: H. C. Mulligan, '79, President; C. A. Hobbs, '80, Secretary; T. P. Ivy, '81, Treasurer; C. W. Bradley, '80, Major; T. H. Simmons, '81, Adjutant; B. S. Turpin, '80, Sergeant-Major; C. H. Pew, '80, Quartermaster-Sergeant. Company A has elected the following officers: J. S. Mitchell, '79, First Lieutenant; A. H. Bowen, '79, Second Lieutenant; E. H. Squibb, Medical School, First Sergeant; C. F. Squibb, '81, Second Sergeant; F. B. Hall, '80, Third Sergeant.

THE new plan of degrees and honors proposed by the Committee on Honors and Honorable Mention has passed the Faculty with some modifications, and will now come before the Overseers. 80 per cent on eight hours, instead of on six, will be required for Honorable Mention, but if the subject is English, 85 per cent will be required. The degree of A. B. cum laude will be given to every one who attains 75 per cent on his college course, or receives Honorable Mention in one study, provided in the last case that he attains 70 per cent on his college course, or 75 per cent for the last three years. It is intended that the new plan shall go into operation a year from next June. The Faculty are not to be entirely bound by marks in making these awards.

THE following is the report of the Treasurer of the H. U. F. B. C.:-

Amount in Treasury, October, 1878 . . . . . . $ 54.00

By subscriptions . . . . . . . . 574.00

By gate receipts of Amherst Game . . . . . . 135.75

By gate receipts of Princeton Game . . . . . . 283.38

By gate receipts of Yale Game . . . . . . . 340.00
