IT is with pleasure that we print this week a letter from Mr. William Cook in relation to his method of marking examination-books. Perhaps, on the whole, he is right in refusing to contribute an account of it to the columns of a college paper. We certainly think it very likely that if he did so his system would be attacked, as he himself suggests, and this would of course put him in rather an awkward position. Whatever may be thought of Mr. Cook's method of procedure, - and we can say from his own account of it that it has its peculiarities, - he at least shows a commendable spirit of fairness in being so willing to explain it to all interested parties, especially to those who have been so unfortunate as to be conditioned by its operation. We are glad to see that any College officer is taking such an interest in matters connected with the students, and we hope that other members of the Faculty will follow the good example which Mr. Cook has set them in sending a letter to one of the college papers.
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