TWO letters from an American now living in China have appeared in the Boston Advertiser. The writer advocates the establishment of a "teachership" of the Chinese language at Harvard, and in the support of his argument even goes so far as to say that a knowledge of Chinese, as well as of Greek and Latin, is desirable on account of the literary wealth of the language. Some persons may be a little skeptical in regard to this literary wealth of the Chinese, and we do not fear that a Chinese elective would attract students from Latin and Greek. It is not in this direction, but as a means of facilitating trade with China, that the study of Chinese will be most useful to Americans As was shown by Mr. Atkinson in his last lecture before the Finance Club, China offers rare opportunities to an American who can speak the language. We hope that the efforts which are now being made under the encouragement of members of our Faculty will result in the trial of a Chinese teachership at Harvard.
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