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SEVERAL protests were made last year when it was announced that janitors would be placed in Matthews and Holyoke, and that students would be required to employ them, if they chose to employ anybody, to make fires, black boots, etc. We regret to learn that this system is to be extended next year to all the College buildings. The scouts are entirely inoffensive, as far as we can see, and it seems rather hard to turn away men some of whom have been around the College for more than twenty years. The chances are ten to one that any man employed by the College will be inefficient in the performance of his duties. Students will be obliged to hire a man over whom they have no power of dismissal, and who has no interest in performing his duties well, instead of one whom they can dismiss at pleasure. Experience has shown that it is next to impossible to obtain the dismissal of any College officer, no matter how inefficient he may be, so we suppose that we must make up our minds to submit to a petty despotism.
