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AN event of great interest to all Harvard men will take place this spring, - the sculling-match between Mr. Livingstone, Yale, '79, and Mr. Goddard, Harvard, '79. After long negotiations, definite arrangements for the race have at length been made; it is to be rowed on the 9th of May at Lake Quinsigamond, the distance being two miles with a turn. Each side is to appoint two judges, one to remain at the start, and one to be at the turn; the referee has not yet been selected. As the contestants hold the championships of their respective colleges, the race will be as interesting as if it were an acknowledged contest between the two colleges for the single-scull championship, and not a private match. As the place is within an easy distance from Cambridge, there should be a very large attendance of Harvard men, not only for their own pleasure, but to encourage Mr. Goddard by their presence.
