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A YALE graduate of several years' standing sends us a letter treating of the proposed Freshman race at New London, which will be found in another column. He states at considerable length the serious objections there exist to introducing at New London regattas outside the regular University match, and disparages anything of the nature of "regatta tournaments" and "side-shows." Our correspondent's views deserve careful attention, for he knows what he is talking about, - having had the unenviable task of making the necessary preparations for the New London race last summer. As to the question, whether a Freshman race held the day before the University race would seriously interfere with the enjoyment of the latter, there is room for much debate. One thing is certain, however, that the accommodations for man and beast at New London are entirely insufficient on such an occasion as an inter-University race, and that strenuous efforts should be made to prevent a repetition of the famine that raged there the 28th of last June.
