IT having been left to the Executive Committee of the University Boat Club to arrange some new method of rowing for those boating men who will not be immediate applicants for seats in the 'Varsity, the committee has decided to hold three races on Saturday, May 17.
A three mile race, with turn, for class eights with coxswains; prizes, a pair of silk flags, inscribed, one with the names of the members of the winning crew, the other with the date of the race and the year of the class. These flags to be class property. Also, for each of the eight victors and their coxswain there will be a cup.
A two-mile race, with turn, for Senior Single Scullers; prize, the championship of the University and a cup.
A mile and a half race, with turn, for Junior Single Scullers; prize, a cup.
Senior Scullers are those who have previously rowed in a race open to all members of the University; Junior Scullers are those who have not rowed in any such race.
Entries for these races will close May 3, and no rowing over on time by a single boat will be allowed.
As soon as the boating men in each class shall have chosen their class captains, the executive committee will be glad to consult with them with regard to obtaining boats, and facilities for training and coaching their crews, etc.
These races will not interfere with the regular scratch races, which will come earlier.
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