HAVE you heard of the story of Florimel Faye?
"Very romantic!" I 'm sure you will say, -
"Very romantic, and curious too,
Though some of the story is not very new."
Florimel's pa was a tailor by trade,
Who kept trousers and coats in his shop ready-made;
And so clever he was with his needle and shears,
That he made a big fortune in twenty odd years.
Then he bought him a house 'mid the swells of the town,
Had coachmen and footmen and wines old and brown;
And though he was rough, as I 've often been told,
What odds, so he varnished his manners with gold?
His wife was as clever as he had been shrewd,
And her manners, though stiff, could scarce be called rude;
She knew whom to flatter, and whom to invite
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