It is a matter of pride to Rochester, N. Y., as well as to the firm directly interested, that yesterday a cable despatch was received stating that the French government had adopted the tobacco and cigarettes manufactured by Wm. S. Kimball & Co., of that city. We should explain, perhaps, that all tobacco sold in France up to this time has been manufactured by the government. Of late, the demand for other makes has arisen, and the government, to meet it, allowed English and American manufacturers to enter goods for competitive test with a view to the adoption of the best. The fact that Wm. S. Kimball & Co have come out far ahead of all other manufacturers in both countries is unmistakable proof that their goods are the best the world produce. Their tobacco and cigarettes will henceforth be on sale in Paris as freely as in New York, but no other make, except the French, will be found there. In other words, the French government, on the report of its experts, declares the Vanity Fair tobacco and cigarettes of Wm. S. Kimball & Co the best in the world.
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