

No Headline

IT may seem captious to complain of the advantages which are offered us in the way of University Lectures, but we feel sure that the good which they do might be very greatly increased if they were differently conducted. Lectures in Sanders Theatre which can only draw an audience of about one hundred persons are a decided failure. Although part of the blame for this state of things rests with those who are too indifferent to attend any lectures, however interesting and instructive they may be, there are other reasons as well. We know of several men interested in the subject who went to the first lecture on "Taxation," and to the first only. The explanation is simple. Professor Newcomb is not, and does not pretend to be, a lecturer. If the University Lectures are to be a success, the College should engage men who not only have a sufficient knowledge of their subject, as all the lecturers thus far have had, but are able, 1st, to put what they know in an intelligible form; 2d, to deliver it so that they can be heard, and, if possible, so that they can hold the attention of their audience. If it is impossible for the College to secure such men, although other organizations seem to find no difficulty in doing so, we would suggest that lectures such as have been given this year would do much more good if printed in pamphlet form and distributed, than they do by being delivered. One word more. People are not likely to go to hear a lecture on such a subject as "Ideality in Science," for we do not believe there are ten persons in Cambridge who have any idea what on earth this means; and people certainly will not go to hear a lecture unless they know that it is to be given. If the fact that a lecture was to be given was not kept quite so dark, there might be more than a corporal's guard of listeners.
