

ALTHOUGH the weather in Montreal was chilly, a large audience assembled on the Cricket Grounds, Saturday, to witness the return-game between the Britannias and the Harvards. The first game played by Harvard against the Canadians was in 1874, when the McGill team, under Mr. David Rodger's captaincy, was beaten by us in Boston. In the autumn of 1875 a Montreal club met with a similar fate. In the spring of 1876 an exceptionally strong team from "All Canada" was defeated on Jarvis Field, and again, in the following autumn, at Montreal. It was during this game that Harvard's captain had his leg broken. On October 29, 1877, McGill was out-played by us in Boston, and a week ago Saturday the Britannias lost the game.

With this brilliant record to look back upon, our men played to win last Saturday. Britannia won the toss, and played with the wind, which was blowing hard. Harvard kicked off, and the sides were so much more evenly matched than in the previous game, that the ball was kept for the most part in the middle of the ground. Before the end of the first half-hour, however, Winsor kicked a goal, - the only one scored during the game. In the last half, Britannia had only fourteen men, as P. S. Ross had been severely hurt. They did their utmost to force the ball to Harvard's goal, but in vain, and the victory rested with us. Messrs. Bacon, Cushing, Nickerson, Manning, and Howe were especially noticeable on our team, while Blaickloch, Low, Ross, Miller, and Scriver did the most for the Britannias. The umpires were Messrs. Houston for Harvard, and McGibbon and Esdaile for Montreal. In the evening our men were entertained in the Gymnasium, and on Sunday they were driven through the city and park.

On Monday several inches of snow covered the ground, but the game with McGill was commenced, and the first inning resulted in our favor, - one goal and a touchdown to nothing. Owing to the snow and cold, it was then mutually agreed by the captains not to play the second inning, but to call the game drawn. Our men reached home Tuesday morning, having been most cordially received and entertained while on their trip.
