JOHN KEEN defeated David Stanton in a fifty-mile race in Boston, November 10. Stanton was suffering from a severe fall which he received in England, just before leaving for this country, and could not do himself justice. Keen completed the distance in 3 hrs. 10. min. 1 sec. Keen also defeated Terront in a twenty-mile race. Time: 1 hr. 14 min. 31 sec. William Cann completed a little over fifteen miles in 1 hr.
J. E. WARBURTON, who lately lowered the ten-mile amateur record in England, is willing to take pound 300 to pound 30, that he beats the record at ten, twenty, and thirty miles, commencing with the longer distances.
SEVERAL hare-and-hound clubs have been lately organized, and have met with great success in their runs, so far. A run was held under the auspices of the Union Athletic Club, in Boston, last week, and was well attended. On November 13, a New Jersey club held their first meet of the season at Red Bank, N. J. We understand that a meeting will shortly be held at this University, to consider the advisability of forming a Harvard hare-and-hound club.
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