

THE Glee Club will give three concerts this winter.

THE gentleman in Wadsworth is Boser than ever.

IT is not true that members of the Faculty are to have a shingle.

MR. CARY'S class in singing has thus far been very successful.

IT is reported that a Professorship in Architecture is to be established.


IT is proposed to have the Semi-annuals begin on the 21st of January.

IT is suggested that an Art Museum be erected by the Hastings Fund.

THE basement of the new Gymnasium will be opened for use, after Thanksgiving.

IT is reported that the students and Instructor in Chinese do not Ko-operate.

MR. G. F. MORSE, '81, will be umpire for the Freshmen in the game with Yale.

THE action of the Freshmen in re-imbursing the poor barber is commendable.

THE Freshmen will play the Yale Freshmen at football, to-morrow, in New Haven.

THE Lacrosse Team will begin, after Thanksgiving, to practise in the new Gymnasium.

THE members of German 6 are much pleased that their request was so readily granted.

THE hour for Junior forensics has been changed from 9 A.M. Wednesday, to 2 P.M. Thursday.
