

PARK THEATRE. - Of Miss Emma Abbot's "Grand English Opera Company" little need be said. Miss Abbot herself does not justify much criticism either as a singer or an actress. Her voice has some pleasing notes in it, and it is smooth, but that is about all that can be said. Her acting is decidedly vivacious, but very crude. She gives the effect of a girl of seventeen who has just gone upon the stage. As Marguerite in "Faust" she fails almost completely. As Mignon she is a little more successful. In the support Mrs. Seguin easily leads, and her singing and acting are as enjoyable as ever. Messrs. Tom Karl and Castle are fairly successful in their roles. The stage setting and general ensemble leave much to be desired. This evening and to-morrow afternoon "Paul and Virginia" will be given, and on Saturday evening, " The Chimes of Normandy."

BOSTON THEATRE.- To-night "Fatinitza" will be given for the last time, and to-morrow afternoon and evening "Pinafore." Next Monday, Bartley Campbell's new play, "My Partner," will be produced with the company and scenery from the Union Square Theatre. Messrs. Aldrich and Parsloe are in the cast.

GLOBE THEATRE. - This theatre was reopened last Monday with Mr. Bandmann in "Narcisse." To-night " Hamlet" will be given; to-morrow afternoon, "Camille"; and to-morrow evening, "The Merchant of Venice." Next Monday, Auber's Opera, "The Crown Diamonds" will be produced and the week after "The Black Crook," under the direction of the Kiralfy brothers.

BOSTON MUSEUM. - "The Crisis," which was produced here on Monday evening, is an adaptation by Mr. Albery of "Les Fourchambault" of M. Emile Augier. It is a powerful and interesting comedy, and is constructed with much skill. The company appear to much advantage, and are strengthened by the addition of Miss Fanny Morant, who is excellent in the part of Mrs. Goring. Miss Clarke is at her best as Haidee Burnside. "The Crisis" will be continued next week, and is well worth seeing.
