

A VERY pleasant theatrical entertainment was given at the Union League Theatre on Thursday evening, and repeated on Friday and Saturday, by members of the class of '77, and various undergraduate stars.

The performances were held under the patronage of the Harvard Club of New York, for the benefit of the University Crew. The burlesque of "Rosamond the Fair" was the attraction; and the intermissions were rendered lively by an amateur orchestra under the direction of Mr. Max Vogritsch.

The audience, embracing the "tone" of the city, were profuse in their applause, and showed great appreciation of the efforts of the actors. The role of "King Henry the Two" was most majestically filled by Mr. Sherwood, who deserves great credit for his perseverance in organizing the theatricals in the face of so many obstacles.

His well-rendered songs, "I am a monarch mighty" and "Ruler of the King's country," were rewarded with deserved encores.

The part duet, "Merry Rosamond the Fair," sung by Messrs. Butler and Sherwood, and their pantomimic display, were received with peals of laughter. Mr. Butler as "Queen Ellinor" was simply "immense," and from his first appearance was greeted with continuous applause. His representation of the aged spouse was tragic to a degree, and a well-known theatrical critic expressed high appreciation of the talent for acting in burlesque displayed by Messrs. Butler and Sprague.


The latter as Grideline played to perfection the part of an erratic schoolmistress.

Mr. Curtis as "Sir Pierre de Bourbon" was enthusiastically received; his guitar song in the last act was rewarded with a double encore. Although suffering from a severe cold, and necessarily being somewhat out of voice, his skilful acting and graceful carriage won him the merited plaudits of the fair sex.

Mr. Sheafe, as Ralpho, was the recipient of numerous bouquets from his many admirers; his voice was under excellent control, and his songs were sung with great spirit and effect.

The duet, "No more country for me," sung by Messrs. Sheafe and Urquhart, was extremely well delivered, and fully appreciated by the audience.

Mr. Bowen made the most of the part of "Wynkyn," but it is unfortunate that to so fine an actor should have been allotted so unsatisfactory a role, one in which he was unable to display his dramatic talents.

Mr. Farnsworth as "Fair Rosamond" made a most charming girl, and showed great proficiency in female arts and graces, especially in coquetting with the fan.

Mr. Cunningham as "Sir Trusty" proved, as usual, a very effective factor of the play.

The chorus was extremely well disciplined, and all the opportunities afforded them to display their vocal abilities were improved.

Frequent applause was bestowed upon the orchestra for their excellent music, which tended in a great measure to the success of the entertainment.

Saturday evening a ball was given, at Delmonico's, by the ladies of New York, in aid of the University Crew. Mr. Franklin Bartlett, '69, led the "German," and under such able guidance the party could not be otherwise than a marked success.

The participants in the theatricals assumed a prominent part on the floor, and "whirling in the mazy waltz" brought a pleasant conclusion to the brilliant successes of the week.
