

[MORE than a week ago we received the following letter from a Philadelphia lady. Anticipating an earlier issue of the Crimson, she had sent us her description, as is customary nowadays, beforehand. Unfortunately, an entirely unexplainable circumstance prevented the concert she describes from taking place, although all the arrangements for it had been made, and seven hundred tickets had been sold. But out of respect for our fair correspondent we have concluded, notwithstanding, to print her letter. - EDS.]

PHILADELPHIA, January 3, 1879.DEAR SIRS, - Perhaps I ought to ask pardon for my boldness in writing a letter for the perusal, if you care to print it, of so many masculine eyes at such a place as Harvard. The truth is, I have just been to the Glee Club Concert, and my head is a little turned by what I saw and heard, so I am not sure whether I am doing right or not. But at any rate I am not going to ask Ma. You must put the blame on Will (Will is a Junior and one of my dearest friends), for when we were coming home last night I was right enthusiastic over the concert, and Will said, "Why do it you write a letter to the Crimson about it?" I more than half believe he was joking, but at any rate here's the letter.

It was a week ago Saturday that Will wrote me such a funny note. He was all excited about a Glee Club concert to be given in Philadelphia. He said the Faculty had given consent and the arrangements had been made and the hall hired and the tickets printed and everything, and he asked me to ask all my friends to ask all their friends to go and take every one they knew, for it was not to be advertised like an ordinary concert, but was to be private and right swell, and so I did. We girls grew half wild over it, and those of us who had friends at Harvard and so sneer at the University youngsters became real heroines. Well, I told everybody I knew about it, and managed to engage over a hundred tickets myself (yes, I am a little proud of it), and I had my new bonnet - one of those dear little close-fitting ones, you know - trimmed with cardinal on purpose.

At last the night came, and about half past seven I heard a ring at the bell and a quick step in the hall that I knew in a minute was Will's. On the way down town he told me that everything was just perfect. They had sold seven hundred tickets the first two days and the rest within a week, and just the nicest people in the city were going. Will was in full dress, and he looked real handsome I tell you. We were a little early, so we had time to look around some and see who were there and to watch the fresh arrivals. As all the tickets had been sold privately we had a chance to sit with friends, which made it ever so pleasant. In our party were Miss F., the Misses H., Mr. C., and Mr. L., and a strange gentleman, - a Senior, I believe. The gentlemen were all in full dress. I would just like to know what Miss. H paid for that lace on her skirt.

Well, pretty soon the Glee Club came filing on to the stage, and they were all such nice-looking gentlemen. Will pointed out those who rowed in the crew and played at base-ball and foot-ball. First they sang a piece called "The Three Glasses," and it was perfectly lovely, and we all applauded so much that they had to give an encore. And then came several glees. But most of all I liked the real college songs. "Seeing Nellie Home" was so sweet, and the gentleman who sang it had such a delightful tenor voice. O, I do love a tenor voice! At "Jingle Bells." my feet would beat time in spite of me, and "Sally am de Gal for me" with its banjo accompaniment was too funny for anything. But I did n't intend to criticise the performance, for of course you have heard their pieces. I just wanted you to know how much the entertainment was enjoyed here, and if my impetuous nature has made my letter very girlish, perhaps it has told more than my words. I hope some time to hear just such another concert, and I am sure your Faculty will never regret having given up their old Puritanical ideas that used to forbid Glee Club concerts, for such fine-looking, gentlemanly representatives as we saw here last night could n't help giving a favorable impression of your college anywhere.


Respectfully yours,

