OXFORD, as every one knows by this time, has sent a reply to the H. U. B. C. relative to a race with Harvard next summer, stating that it will be impossible to keep a University crew in training up to August 1. The text of the letter will be found in another column. The reasons given for declining the proposal are that the Oxford term ends early in June, that the 'Varsity men do not keep together after the inter-'Varsity race in February or March, and that it would be very difficult to persuade them to keep in trim through the summer. Oxford is not confident of beating Cambridge, as six of last year's crew have left the boat, and in case of her defeat she fears a race with the losers would be unsatisfactory to Harvard. It may seem to some unfair that we should be deprived of an opportunity to retrieve our loss in '69; but when we consider the circumstances in which Oxford is placed and the difficulties attending all attempts to prolong the boating season in England, we can understand and appreciate her action.
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