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WE were sorry to see that an account appeared in one of the Boston daily papers, during the summer, of the evil practices of a certain instructor in German, now no longer connected with the college. It is still more to be regretted that there is every reason to believe that these charges are true. We have avoided hitherto saying anything about the matter, but now that it has become public, there is no longer any reason for keeping silence. A year ago last winter the attention of the Faculty was drawn to this man, and the charges against him appeared to them so well founded that he was asked to resign. He refused, and was allowed to stay on for over a year, until his term was out. During this time it was notorious what sort of a man he was, and he was not allowed by the Faculty to make out his own examination papers. Now, it is our humble but firm opinion that it would have been better for the college if he had been dismissed, when he refused to resign, at whatever cost. When a man is asked to resign, it ought to mean that he will be put out if he does not. We would respectfully submit that this would have been better than to have the scandal hang on so long, and finally appear in full in the papers.
