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THOUGH public opinion does not seem to have sustained the New York Aldermen in their assertion that the victory at Henley "redounds to the glory of our common country," still the sentiment among college men is that the Columbia boys have done a big thing. They do not enjoy the advantages for exercise and training that some more favored seats of learning possess, and they have a comparatively small number of rowing-men to choose from; but in the face of these difficulties, with the support of a large number of wealthy and liberal graduates, and with Mr. Jasper Goodwin to push matters, they have imitated the action taken by Harvard in '69, and have improved upon the example. Some remarks we have heard expressed looking to a race between the Columbia four and a four picked from the Harvard eight. It is noticeable that the suggestion has found favor mainly with those who are unfamiliar with Columbia's record at Springfield in '77, or those who did not witness the Harvard-Yale race at New London. Columbia has won from Englishmen on English waters the Visitors' Cup, and she has Harvard's hearty congratulation. If we wish to win an English cup, we must row with English, not American crews.
