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AGAIN the annual duty devolves upon us of recording the going of the old class and the coming of the new; again we are reminded of the mutability of college life, its aims, its pleasures, and its end; and again we feel the weight of our responsibility in counselling wisely the "men" who have been intrusted by anxious parents to a foster-mother's care. Though the class of '78 exerted an elevating and manly influence on the college, and were characterized by good scholarship as well as by conviviality, they will be missed more as individuals than as a body. The Nine lose a captain whom it will be very difficult to replace. Many of the societies lose their most efficient officers and most energetic members, and the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality will find several missing from their ranks. It is a source of great satisfaction, however, in this time of our success on the river, to know that the Captain of the 'Varsity will be with us this year, and will take his old thwart in the boat. To '82 we are looking with interest and expectancy. '82! The very figures warn us of our increasing baldness and our fast-falling gray hairs. May the Fates spare us long enough to see the Freshmen well started on the road to a "liberal education," and our own hopes realized in that tangible but often mystical thing, a degree.
