FOR the second time since we have been connected with this paper, the pleasant task devolves upon us of expressing our thanks to the Crew and the Nine for the double victories they have won for the honor of Fair Harvard. We felt confident our Crew would win a victory at New London, but such a victory was considered hardly within the range of possibility. Complaints are made that the race was not close enough to be exciting, and that it is a pity Yale did not have a stronger crew. The race, to be sure, afforded little excitement to the average looker-on, but no one who regarded the consequences of the race could have been indifferent when watching the finish. Not only is a victory won, but the disgrace of 1876 is wiped out. Yale had a strong crew, and one that no one need be ashamed of; and if anything can take away from the bitterness of Yale's defeat, it is the excellent time they made. New London amply vindicated its claim to be the best place for the regatta. The course is all that can be desired, and, with the exception of telegraphic signals along the bank, the arrangements made for seeing and enjoying the race were excellent.
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Special Notices.