THE status of the "House clubs" for next year, although on a very uncertain basis, does not seem to warrant the discouraging article in the Advocate of last week. We should think that Mr. Blakie would hardly foreclose this spring, if there was a reasonable chance of getting the rest of his money in the autumn ; and the coming of the guileless Freshman, like the first bird of spring, may be a forerunner of better times for the House Clubs. With this in view, and the expenditure of a little more energy on the part of the club secretaries, we think boating matters will be found to be in a fair condition after all. We must say we fail to see what Mr. Blakie would gain by foreclosing. As things stand he has a fair chance of getting all his money; if he forecloses, he gets only a lot of rickety, slow old tubs, called by courtesy "shells" and barges, which he could never sell for anything but kindling-wood.
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