THE O. K. Strawberry Night will take place on Friday, June 14.
THE Rifle Corps had the last drill of the season on Monday evening, the 27th.
THE Strawberry Night of the Hasty Pudding Club is fixed for Wednesday, June 19.
SQUADS from the H. R. C. go up to Watertown nearly every week now, for rifle practice.
LITTLE'S BLOCK will be renumbered next year, and all the rooms on the front of the building will have odd numbers.
AT 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon the University Nine will play on Holmes Field their second game with Trinity.
THE prizes for the winners of the races in the H. A. A. meeting have been ordered, and will soon be on exhibition at Wyeth's.
ON next Monday and Tuesday the third and fourth games of base-ball between Princeton and Harvard will be played on Holmes Field.
THE pitcher of the Trinity Nine broke his index finger on Wednesday, and consequently the game appointed for to-morrow afternoon is postponed.
THE signs placed in the entries of college buildings seem to have had a wholesome effect in keeping out pocos. The member of the Faculty who originated this idea deserves the thanks of the college.
THE preliminary contest for the Boylston Prizes will probably take place in Sanders Theatre, on the 12th or 13th of June. Mr. Riddle, Professor A. S. Hill, and some other gentlemen not yet selected are to act as judges.
TO-MORROW, at 3 o'clock, the Freshman Nine are to play the Yale Freshmen on Holmes Field. It is to be hoped that the college will show a lively interest in the game by appearing in large numbers, and will give the home Nine as much encouragement as possible.
IN the regatta at Silver Lake yesterday, Goddard lost the single-scull race by turning the stake-boat the wrong way. Notwithstanding the delay caused by his turning again, he passed five boats on the home-stretch. The order at the finish was: Holmes first, Houghton second, Goddard third.
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