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EVERY one who interests himself at all in our national game cannot fail to be well pleased with the brilliant success achieved by our Nine during the past week. It is somewhat remarkable that one of the very best games played by the Nine for several years should have been played with the same club with which was made the most extraordinary score on record. The game on Thursday week with the Manchester nine displayed some of the fine qualities that have been developed in our men by the careful training of the winter. From the many base hits made three runs only were obtained, a fact that speaks itself for the excellency of the fielding. It gives us great pleasure to be able to follow up our editorial of our last issue with another upon the same subject, and though, like the rest of the college, we wonder at the singular negligence that should have left it for us to write, we are well satisfied that it should be so. We wish to call attention to the manager's statement of finances, which clearly shows the need of money, for the expenditures of the Nine have been great and the receipts small. The tickets issued by the Nine for the college games to take place in Cambridge are put at a very low figure, when it is taken into consideration that there are eight coupons; and we cannot urge too strongly the advisability of buying these tickets, on which the Nine depend to a great extent for their resources. Unless a sufficient number of them can be disposed of among ourselves, the Nine will be obliged to have recourse to the unpleasant duty of asking for subscriptions. Let us spare them the trouble and ourselves the torture.
