Yale Freshmen 8, - safe hits 12, total bases 13, errors 6, not including passed balls and wild pitches; Harvard Freshmen 1, - safe hits 3, errors 4, with the same restrictions as above.
THAT was the score at New Haven last Saturday. What does this show? It clearly shows that our Freshmen are at present a weak batting, but a good fielding nine. The Yale pitcher is a good one, but even those hits that were not base hits were not, as a rule, good square ones. Evidently there must be more attention paid to batting; there is good material in the Nine, and if they practise more at the bat, they can be a strong batting as well as a strong fielding nine. They must by no means neglect fielding practice, for without constant work good play in the field is almost impossible. It might also be suggested that, if they should play nines which are stronger rather than weaker than themselves, the next game with Yale would turn out differently.
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The Yale Freshman Nine.