


Oxford-Cambridge. - Cambridge moved to Putney on March 25, Oxford on March 30. The following are the crews as definitely decided upon, although the positions may change:-

Oxford.- Ellison (bow), 154 lbs.; Cowles, 164 lbs; Southwell, 173 lbs.; Greenfell, 179 lbs.; Pelham 178 lbs.; Burgess, 180 lbs.; Edwardes-Moss, 174 lbs.; Marriott (stroke), 164 lbs. Average, 171 1/4 lbs.

Cambridge. - Taylor (bow), 161 lbs.; Holmes, 163 lbs.; Barker, 177 lbs.; Gurdon, 195 lbs.; Spurrell, 175 lbs.; Hockin, 193 lbs.; Pike, 177 lbs.; Prest (stroke), 154 lbs. Average, 174 3/8 lbs.

The Oxford crew, although lighter, is said to be much the faster, and rows in better form than the Cambridge crew, which pulls too short a stroke, feathers badly, and is quite slow.

Yale. - At a meeting of the Y. U. B. C. on March 18, it was voted to send Kennedy, '76, and the Centennial four-oar, - Cook, '76, Collins, '77, Kellogg, '76, and Kennedy, '76,- or any crew that should be thought good enough, to the Watkins Glen Regatta. The Club "wish it distinctly understood that they will not undertake the expense, which must be defrayed by private subscription." In other words, Yale allows Kennedy to hunt up, organize, and train his old crew at his own expense, and in return permits him to have the talisman Y-A-L-E worked on his jerseys.


Columbia. - Owing to internal dissensions, Colgate and Boyd have left this crew. The trouble was disagreement about money matters, and a claim to the stroke seat set up by Colgate against Goodwin. The crew continues training, however, having Sage as bow, Edson and Ridabock, the former substitutes, in the midships, and Goodwin as stroke.

Intercollegiate Races. - In reference to a resumption of these races, Wesleyan last week sent letters to Brown, Bowdoin, Williams, Trinity, Dartmouth, and Amherst. The replies were not encouraging. Brown and Amherst decline, Dartmouth and Bowdoin have not been heard from, and Trinity and Williams agreed to meet Wesleyan at a convention which was held at Springfield on March 27. What decision was arrived at is not yet known, but it is to be hoped that a race may be arranged between these three colleges.

ATHLETICS.THE Athletic meetings at the English universities are still going on, and the performances so far have been above the average in merit. The fields of start in these college events have been very large, and all the sprint races have been run in heats. The large number who train at these colleges offers a most striking contrast to the small number of trained men who take part in our races.

Cambridge University, Trinity Hall, March 2 - 120-yards handicap, T. Evans (6 yards), 12 3/5 sec.; 120-yards hurdles, D. Q. Steel, 20 1/8 sec.; 440-yards handicap, W. H. Murphy (10 yards), 52 4/5 sec.; wide jump, E. Mawdesley, 19 ft. 5 in; mile open handicap, R. T. Wilson, Jesus (85 yards), 4 min. 31 1/8 sec.; two-mile race, S. Hoare, 11 min. 6 sec.; 180-yards consolation, A. Hartley, 20 2/5 sec.

Cambridge University Handicap-Meeting.- The winners of the events at this meeting represent their university in the Annual Athletic sports between Oxford and Cambridge held at Lillie Bridge in May. As will be seen by the summary, some of the performances were wonderfully good: High jump, E. Mawdesley, 5 ft 4 in; 120-yards handicap, L. Bury, Trinity (10 yards), 12 sec.; wide jump, E. Baddeley, Jesus, 20 ft. 8 in. S. Palmer jumped 21 ft. 7 in., but was ruled out because he fell behind his mark on alighting. 120-yards hurdle handicap, W. Collier, Jesus (5 yards), 18 2/5 sec. S. Palmer, whose mark was eight yards behind scratch, was only beaten a foot. Quarter-mile open handicap, final heat, W. Westmacott, Exeter, Oxford (20 yards), 50 2/6 sec.; 3-mile handicap, B.G. Parkin, Queen's (180 yards), 15 min. 25 2/5 sec.

Oxford University, Hertford College, March 14. - 100 yards, H. Snow (penalized 4 yards), 11 2/5 sec.; 440 yards, C. V. Gorton, 55 2/5 sec.; wide jump, C. H. Hodgson, 27 ft. 3 in.: 150-yards handicap, F. M. Lockhart (10 yards), 15 2/5 sec.; 880-yards handicap, T. Bates (80 yards), 2 min. 6 3/5 sec.; mile race, C. V. Gorton (penalized 50 yards), 5 min. 53 sec.

Oxford College, Keble College, March 10. - 100 yards, L. Holland, 11 2/5 sec.; 120-yards hurdles, E. W. Sear, 19 3/5 sec.; wide jump, C. C. Atkinson, 19 ft. 3 1/2 in.; 200 yards, C. L. sanctuary, 22 sec.; mile handicap, F. W. Glyn (130 yards), 4 min. 47 8/5 sec.

Athletic Convention. - The third annual convention of the Athletic Association of American colleges will be held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, at 10.30 A.M., April 20.

FOOT-BALL.ON March 2, at Glascow, Scotland, the Annual International match between England and Scotland was kicked, Scotland winning by seven goals to two.

On March 10, near Dublin, Ireland, was kicked the Annual International match between England and Ireland, and England proved the winner by a score of two goals and a touch-down to nothing.

SHOOTING.DR. CARVER, at San Francisco, Cal., broke with a rifle 886 glass balls out of 1,000, sprung from a trap at 21 yards rise. This is a most wonderful feat, especially as it was accomplished with a single ball, and not with shot.
