WE suppose it is our duty to say something about the Cornell comic paper, Cocague. Some of the illustrations are good, some are not good, and of the letterpress none is good. However, we must not decide hastily, and if the tinge of vulgarity which is perceptible in this number disappears in the next, we may be led to a more favorable opinion of this new venture.
THE Boston Bicycling Journal is quite interesting, and gives the comparative time of horses and bicycles over long distances, the comparison being strongly in favor of the bicycles.
WE are aware that the Boston University Beacon comes from three miles nearer the centre of civilzation than we, but might we be permitted to ask whether Apollonem is a better form for the accusative of Apollo than the usual Apollinem? The poet, among nearly three columns of whose effusions we find this new Latin word, also publishes a poem the first line of which is:-
"You hate Latin conjugation?"
Suppose we throw in declension?
THE McGill Gazette says that their graduates' dinner will probably be conducted on temperance principles.
"THE average weight of the Freshman nine," says the Northwestern University (Illinois) Vidette, "is one hundred and ninety pounds." "Two of the members of the Woman's College" at the same university "sing bass". "One Junior in the medical department is nearly seven feet high." Either the imagination of the editors, or the physical development of the students, has attained a very remarkable growth.
HERE are the titles of some recent articles in our exchanges: "The Cynicism of Culture," "The Influence of Doubt," "Tennyson's In Memoriam, "Tennyson's Sorrow," The Superstition of Composition," "Music among the Greeks," "Jeremy Taylor," "The Character of Banquo," and "Carlyle's Sartor Resartus." Our readers may form their judgment by these: "ex pede Herculem!"
WE have received a copy of the Archangel, from Oregon, addressed to the Magenta; the change in our paper's name is no longer a new story, and under ordinary circumstances we should expect it to be recognized; but this time we are forced to make allowances; for the Archangel has banished all secular considerations, and is devoting itself entirely to grief at the Pope's decease, or, as the Dartmouth would say, transition!
WE have before us three school papers: the Horae Scholasticae, from St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., the Vindex, St. Mark's, Southborough; and the Critic, Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven. The first of these is well-managed and well-written, which is more than can be said for a great many of our college exchanges. The Vindex would do better if it confined itself to matters of interest to the school, instead of discussing the "Mode of Electing a Pope" and kindred subjects; and if it did not try to be very funny. As a rival of the Burlington Hawkeye, the Vindex is not a success; as a school paper, it is - not a failure. The Critic is more ambitious than the first two papers; it includes Harper's Monthly among its exchanges, and is not afraid to give its opinion of college contemporaries. Here too we find lengthy mention of the Pope's death, and there is a long article on the character of Hamlet, which we have not read!
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