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THERE has been a suggestion made of late that an University Edition of Classics should be published by Harvard College. Such an edition would have the merits of being prepared in the most careful way under the direct supervision of some of the most able scholars in America, and it would supply to this country books like those that come from the Clarendon, Edinburgh, and Glasgow presses. There is no reason why this plan, if carried into execution, should not succeed perfectly. Our scholars are as thorough as any, and the result of their efforts could not fail to be a text that would serve as a standard to colleges and schools. It is true that in Germany and England men spend their lives in comparing manuscripts, and think they have accomplished no small task if they can find some trustworthy authority for changing the spelling of a single word in a book whose text is acknowledged the most accurate. We should have the advantage of compiling an edition from the many that already exist, added to which advantage would be the inestimable gain derived from uniting the energies of many men whose celebrity is not confined to America alone.
