THE publisher of "Harvard and Its Surroundings" proposes, in case one hundred subscriptions can be obtained, to get out a special edition of his book for the Senior Class. This edition will be bound in crimson cloth covers, with bevelled boards, and gilt edges; it will be printed on heavy paper, the pictures will be rearranged and some new ones added; and the advertisements - including the steel engraving of the Riverside Press - will be left out. At the end of the book will be placed a list of the present and past members of the Class of '78, together with the societies, clubs, and associations to which each member belonged during his Senior year; also the Commencement and Class Day programmes. No pains will be spared to make these lists absolutely correct, and as the book itself has now been thoroughly corrected, we shall have in the next edition as complete and accurate a guide to the College and to Cambridge as it is possible to make. The price of the new book will be one dollar and a half, and they will be sold only to such members of the Senior class as shall subcribe for them. The edition will be ready in May.
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