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WE spoke in our last issue of a petition that had been sent by the officers of the Base-Ball Club to the Corporation relative to playing matches on Jarvis with other than college nines; with regard to which an answer had not then been returned. We have since learned that the petition was not granted for several reasons. Our base-ball prospects then looked gloomy enough, but matters have improved somewhat of late. The language of the guide-book of the League Association is not altogether clear with respect to amateur clubs like ours. But on careful investigation, and by means of a good deal of questioning, we find that our nine will not be excluded from playing on the grounds of the Bostons except with the six clubs that form the league. Our nine cannot play with those clubs at all, but we may use their grounds, as we always have done, to meet other nines. Arrangements have already been made to open the season with the Live Oaks at Lynn on Fast Day, and other games of interest will soon follow. In our Brevity column will be found the dates of the first games with Yale and Princeton.
