

No Headline

A GOOD deal of disappointment was expressed because the Catalogue this year contained no examination-papers. In the choice of electives these papers were a valuable guide, since they showed the nature of an elective much more clearly than any title or list of books studied could do. In preparing for an examination, also, the papers of past years in that study showed the relative importance of the matter to be reviewed, and were an excellent test of the thoroughness of the review. There were, however, objections against binding up examination-papers with the Catalogue, for this increased the size and price of the book, and compelled each purchaser to buy much that he did not care for. It is proposed to avoid these objections, and yet furnish the papers to students by publishing little pamphlets, each of which will contain a set of papers upon one subject. Students can then buy only the papers they wish, and can have them in a much handier form than before. This method is followed in the English universities, and no doubt will be successful if adopted here.
