

THERE are still fourteen men training for the University Nine.

THE H. R. C. will elect battalion officers Monday evening, March 4.

THE Cornell Freshmen have accepted the challenge of the Harvard Freshmen to row in eight-oared shells, a three-mile straight-away race.

ONLY twenty-six Freshmen have thus far joined the Athletic Association.

SUBSCRIPTIONS to the Crimson must be paid before the delivery of the second number.


"HARVARD and its Surroundings" is now ready, and can be obtained at the University Bookstore.

MR. F. W. THAYER, '78, has obtained a patent from Washington for his invention of the catcher's mask.

THE Union Boat Club propose giving a series of theatrical entertainments in aid of the fund for the H. U. B. C.

THE Captains of the Harvard and Yale crews will probably meet at New London, on Saturday, March 2.

AT the next meeting of the Christian Brethren, on Thursday Evening at 6 1/2 o'clock, Mr. Edward Abbott will be present. All are invited to attend.

THE Glee Club reports a number of concerts in view. The concert which Cambridge people are so anxiously awaiting will be given about April 1.

FELTON Hall has undergone several changes of late, and is now a building that offers many advantages. Those entering next year will, no doubt, recognize its worth.

THE Auditor's report for December, and January has been presented to the Board of Directors of H. D. A. The cost of board for December was $3.70; for January, $4.15.

THE following are the officers of the Christian Brethren for the next half-year: President, Edward Hale, '79; Treasurer, H. F. W. Morse, '78; Secretary, W. B. Hill, '79; Librarian, W. F. Price, '80.

THE entry-book for the winter meeting of the H. A. A. will be opened at the Gymnasium next Monday. All entries for the first day's events must be made before 5 P. M., Friday, March 8.
