

THE Trinity Tablet thinks that the literary productions of small colleges have not received their due, and quotes at length from the papers of the large colleges to show the inferiority of the literature of the latter. These quotations are by far the most interesting thing in the Tablet, and hardly justify the following conclusions:-

"First, That an undue share of time, money, and exertion is given to the cultivation of muscle in the universities; secondly, that by reason of success in athletics, the universities arrogate to themselves superiority where they do not possess it; thirdly, that other colleges and the outside world are deluded into this belief, and fall down and worship the gilded calf. We remember hearing a young sport say in a library in this city: 'There's no doubt about Harvard. I would n't give two cents to graduate at Yale. I graduated at Harvard.' Better no education at all than such an education!"

THE Abbott Courant says that the Crimson's editorials are "short, sensible, and to the point." We are pleased with the Courant's editorials, but we cannot literally return the compliment, for they certainly are not short, - they cover nearly twelve pages. But who could be so unreasonable as to expect short editorials from lady editors? They are well written, entertaining, and full of gossip Another feminine feature of the Courant is the publication of the marriage of graduates of Abbott Academy. Proud, happy graduates!

The University Herald has a long article on "College Fraternities," in which the writer states that the Faculty at Harvard have prohibited college societies. This is news to some of us, at least.

THE Acta Columbiana wants to have every American crew that can afford to, go across the water.


"If several American crews go over, they can race there just as well as here, in the various heats. If American crews win different heats, they will be matched against each other in the final. If the crew from this side be beaten, then we all thank fortune that it was not a champion crew. On the other hand, if the American crew win, then again we say it is good it was not the champion crew, for the results lead to the inference that the champion could have done even better."

If we did say so, we should deceive everybody but ourselves.

THE Packer Quarterly has an article on "A new kind of shopping" and a good deal to say about "fashion." O worldly Packer! Its articles are all bright and interesting. Why is it that the young ladies' papers all have such a simple and excellent style? Here is a line from the Packer's poem on the Beautiful, -

"What is of all most beautiful? The human face."

No doubt that is true at Packer.

THE Yale Literary Magazine in the number for November publishes its prize essay, "Aspasia: the Study of a Portrait." The judges were Yale professors, and we cannot help thinking how different would have been the fate of the essay had it fallen into the clutches of our Bowdoin Prize Committee. Its substance is excellent, but its style would have been fatal to it here.
