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ALTHOUGH in the past several societies whose aim was the mutual improvement of members have had a sickly existence, an early death, or a hasty burial without funeral ceremonies, yet the establishment of such societies is always worthy of praise. It shows a healthy interest in important topics, a desire to make full use of the peculiar advantages of a college course, and an activity and enthusiasm directly opposed to the lamented Harvard indifference. We are, therefore, pleased to notice the prosperous beginning of the Finance Club and the renewed activity of the Philosophical Club; and we hope to hear again of the Historical Society so much talked about last year. The long existence and the constant activity and success of the Natural History Society show the possibilities of any of these new societies when skilfully managed. Such societies have generally died because either the immediate members avoided assuming any responsibility, or there was a failure to transmit the interest to succeeding classes. The hearty interest and co-operation of instructors does much towards overcoming the latter difficulty, and the former can be overcome by a steady recognition of the fact that no society, whatever its ends, can be kept alive without active and constant work on the part of all interested in it. The active work of the present members of the Finance and Philosophical Clubs deserves all commendation, and we trust that all those who are interested in either political economy or philosophy will not hesitate to give their aid to these organizations.
