THE Courant is non-committal on the subject of an American Henley, but suggests that there be a single race for class crews. There is another boating letter from "A Yale Graduate," from which we clip the following: "Our sister university is undoubtedly cock of the walk as regards rowing, at least for the present, and she knows it. We admire her wonderful crew, as does everybody else, and say 'Go over the water, friends, and clean out those blarsted Hinglishmen, and may God bless you!' We would n't pluck a single leaf from her well-earned laurels, and for the time must be content with a seat under the gallery. But when Harvard, with victorious self-assurance, steps one side to tread on our corns and tread on our noses as it were, . . . . we propose to stop it." This indignation is caused by our negotiations with Cornell and Columbia, and by something that has been said in the Boston Herald about Mr. Peabody's rowing on our crew. We are not aware that the Herald is the official organ of the H. U. B. C., although the Yale graduate seems to consider it as such. Perhaps it is just as well to say, however, that Harvard men are perfectly well aware that under the rules Mr. Peabody cannot row on our crew in the race with Yale.
THE Athenaeum tells us of a newly formed association called the "Howlers," having for its object "the production and consideration of diaphragmic undulations, together with that of the harmonious combination of infernal detonations. Its meetings are to be held nocturnally, when all more sluggish mortals are wrapt in slumber." A correspondent complains that the time allotted to the class prayer-meetings is taken up by remarks from ambitious young speakers, instead of by prayers. He tells us of one case where the prayer-meeting actually broke up after only two prayers! and of another "in which the speaker made a long argument for conversion when every one of his hearers had already been converted and was an active Christian." Let us hope that these glaring abuses will be done away with in future.
INSTRUCTOR (examining geometrical figures on the boara). "I don't understand these constructions." STUDENT. "Very well, I'll see you after recitation and explain them to you." - Ex.
LORNE and Louise have paid a visit to McGill, and the Gazette gives us a long account of the proceedings. An address was inflicted on the vice-regal party, to which the Marquis responded, as usual, in some well-chosen words. A deputation of students presented a bouquet to the Princess Louise, which she was graciously pleased to accept. The Gazette says that "it is a matter of congratulation to know that no jealousy existed between the different faculties as to which one should be accorded the honor of presenting the bouquet." It is, indeed.
THE Brunonian informs us of the formation of an Athletic Association, and rejoices over the fact. The faculty regard the matter with favor, and it is considered a striking proof of the "spirit of progression" at Brown.
THE Oberlin Review has its usual quota of heavy articles. The editors complain of the lack of annual examinations. Would that we could change places with them in this respect!
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