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MORE or less complaint has been made relative to the coaching of the second eight of the 'Varsity. It is urged that they do not receive enough attention, and are dependent upon chance coaches. Now the facts in this case are these, that Captain Bancroft has coached them whenever he could spare the time, and when he has been prevented from doing this, other members of the first eight have taken his place. It seems as if the men who are now rowing in the University Crew ought to know enough about pulling an oar to coach the second eight and coach them well. At any rate the second eight are doing good work, and the only thing to complain of is the small number of men who are actively interested in working for positions on it. We would recommend that some of the officers of the H. U. B. C. canvass the college for heavy and well-built men, and prevail upon them to work for the crew of the future. '79 cannot be with us always.
