THE week has been eventful in regard to boating-matters. A dinner has been given to the Crew at Young's, where, amid junketing and speech-making, plans for the future were discussed; a meeting of the H. U. B. C. has been held, and has adopted the suggestions made at the dinner; and a challenge for an eight-oared race of four miles has been received from Cornell. It is stated on good authority that Columbia is eager for a race. Mr. Roberts has been authorized to write an unofficial letter to England to ascertain whether it will be possible to arrange a race with the English University eights for August 1, 1879. The Faculty are unwilling to let the Crew leave Cambridge before the end of the spring term, so it is impossible to fix upon an earlier date and at the same time allow our men a fortnight's training on the Thames. It seems a great deal to ask of English crews that they should keep in practice four months after their annual regatta; but Oxford ought to consent to this sacrifice of the summer, for she has owed us a race ever since our memorable defeat in '69. That we have decided to row, if possible, the English Universities, is due on the one hand to the graduates, for without their pecuniary aid we could have done nothing; and to the Crew of '78, on the other hand, for without their hearty enthusiasm the project would have fallen flat.
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