LAST Tuesday the Freshman Foot-Ball team went out to Quincy to play a match with the team of the Adams Academy. Crehore won the toss for '82, and took the wind, giving Adams the kick-off. The ball was started about 3-20 by Woodward, but was soon sent back towards Adams's goal, where most of the play took place for some time. The Quincy boys then made a brace, but Leatherbee made a good rush for '82, and in a few minutes a touch-down was scored by Warren. The ball was then brought out, but the try at the goal was not successful. Time was called a few minutes later. Sides were then changed, and '82 started the ball. Adams then began to work hard, and by a series of good plays a touch-down was secured by Rockwell, and from it a goal. The Freshmen then kicked off again, and in a short while a goal, to all appearances, was kicked from the field by Sedgwick, but the referee, Mr. Parkhill, when appealed to for his decision, would not allow it. Then '82 went to work in earnest, and Manning secured a touch-down, from which Eldridge kicked a goal. There was then some quick play, and Perin rushed in and gave '82 another touch-down. A punt-out was tried, but not successfully. Woodward and Adams now tried hard, and in a few moments the former scored a touch-down. A goal was kicked, and in a few minutes time was called, Adams being victorious by two goals to one goal and two touch-downs. For the winners Woodward (capt.), Adams, and Rockwell played well, and for '82 Leatherbee, Thatcher, and Manning. It is hoped another game can be arranged between these two teams; but let '82 take warning at this game, and be out to practise more regularly, or she may be beaten by a blue of a lighter shade than the Adams blue, which she would not, perhaps, appreciate.
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