UNDER the able management of Mr. Winsor, the Library, which formerly was a subject for much needed or needless complaint, deserves little save praise. The changes he has introduced, though sometimes at first disliked, have always proved advantageous, and have shown that he regards the success of the Library as identical with its utility to the students. Still, there are other changes apparently desirable to which we would like to call attention. It seems some-what remarkable that a library which expends $15,000 annually in purchasing books should, nevertheless, oblige students to raise by subscription the $300 needed to support a reading-room, and should in no way encourage their voluntary efforts. The sum, it is true, is not large, but it is not easy to raise among students who find so many subscription-papers awaiting them; and were it not for the energetic efforts of a few men who generously spend much time and labor in the cause, the college would be without a reading-room. With but few changes, and only slight additional expense, the Library could take this burden upon itself. It already has a fine collection of magazines, which are much read, and some daily papers, which are seldom seen, as they are kept on file in a closet; these would go far towards making up the number of periodicals needed. The old delivery-room in Gore Hall is nearly empty, and could easily be turned into a reading-room, to which students could have access whether the Library was open or not. It could not be lighted in the evening; but lack of money prevents the present reading-room from being used at that hour, so the change would not increase this inconvenience. The disadvantages of the present room, such as the cost of heating, presence of examinations, and proximity to a recitation-room would be avoided, and the Library would have taken one more step towards making itself "the nearest friend of every student and every instructor."
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